How To: Remove the uninstall password for Symantec AntiVirus Corporate

Have you ever attempted to uninstall Symantec Anti Virus Corporate Edition only to find out that there is an uninstall password set and you’ve tried all of the passwords that you thought you set when deploying it?  Or did you take over a network from another network administrator only to find out that the uninstall password wasn’t documented?  Well you are in luck, the steps below will allow you to remove the requirement to enter a password for the removal of Symantec Anti Virus Corporate Edition.

This only works for version up to 10.x.

WARNING:  You will be modifying your registry, you are doing this at your own risk.  I will not be held responsible if you modify your registry by not following the steps below closely.  Again these steps are done at your own risk.  Backup your registry before making any changes!

How to remove the uninstall password requirement for Symantec Anti Virus Corporate Edition on a  32-bit Operating System.

  1. Open RegEdit
  2. Navigate to the following path [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Intel\LANDesk\VirusProtect6\CurrentVersion\AdministratorOnly\Security]
  3. Look for the following key “UseVPUninstallPassword”
  4. If UseVPUninstallPassword value is 1, change it to 0.
  5. Exit RegEdit
  6. Uninstall Symantec AntiVirus

How to remove the uninstall password requirement for Symantec Anti Virus Corporate Edition on a  64-bit Operating System.

  1. Open RegEdit.
  2. Navigate to the following path [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Intel\LANDesk\VirusProtect6\CurrentVersion\AdministratorOnly\Security]
  3. Look for the following key “UseVPUninstallPassword”
  4. If “UseVPUninstallPassword” value is 1, change to 0.
  5. Exit RegEdit
  6. Uninstall Symantec AntiVirus

You shouldn’t need to restart the computer after making the changes, just make sure that you have exited the Registry Editor completely and attempt the uninstall of the Symantec Anti Virus Corporate Edition from the Add/Remove Programs control panel.

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